BAD REPUTATION. Pierre de Gaillande Sings George Brassens. (en anglais)
George Brassens would have turned 101 this week. Pierre de Gaillande pays homage to the irreverent French bard on what would have been his 101st birthday. Expect a cast of likely and unlikely guests for what we hope to an annual event.
From the 50’s through the late 70’s, George Brassens redefined French chanson. He was an anarchist bard whose songs were sometimes raunchy, sometimes polemic, often poignant, and always steeped in classic French poetry. He went on to become one the most emblematic French singer of the 20th century. Franco-American singer and composer Pierre de Gaillande has translated a number of Brassens’ songs. He has stuck to the rhyming scheme and verse length of the original songs, thus matching the melodies perfectly. Best way to describe the project would be to compare it to a perfect movie adaptation of a book classic. Think Stanley Kubrick or Raoul Ruiz.
Guests TBA $20 suggested